Bridges Academy Austin

Location: West (Steiner Ranch)
2900 N Quinlan Park Rd Ste 250
Austin, TX 78732
Students served: PreK–12th grade; specializing in dyslexia, dysgraphia, gifted/2e, and other learning differences
Current enrollment: About 40 students and growing; average ratio 1:6
Model/philosophy: Bridges Academy Austin is a small accredited PreK–12 school specializing in dyslexia, dysgraphia, gifted/2e, and other learning differences. The school meets students where they are academically and helps them reach their potential. Teachers are certified teachers, reading specialists, and special education teachers who also have experience with gifted/talented learners. The school helps students advance in their areas of strength while receiving support in their areas of need. Students average two years of growth per year. In the words of a student, "We learn twice as much, but without the stress." Bridges Academy Austin is a welcoming environment for diversity. Students of all ethnicities, religions, genders, etc. are welcome. Students are kind to each other.
Special features: Specializing in dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, gifted/2e, and other learning differences; certified teachers and specialists; executive functioning support; onsite options for speech therapy and occupational therapy; no homework for K–8; minimal homework for high school students; a good option for students with hearing impairments
Schedule: Monday–Friday. Hours vary by the student and courses, but core classes are 9:30am–2:30pm, and some students have study hall, electives, and 1:1 interventions before or after these hours. August–May school year calendar.
Tuition: $19,900 annual tuition; enrollment and materials fee. This rate is subject to change. Please refer to the school’s website for current tuition information.
Contact: Alexandra Elliot, PhD, Director | 512-506-1980 |