Join us at the Austin Alternative School Fair!

Looking for something fun, informative, and free to do with the kids this weekend? Head over to the downtown Whole Foods rooftop plaza on Saturday between 11am and 2pm. The Education Transformation Alliance is putting on its fifth Austin Alternative School Fair, its biggest and best yet.

If you have school-aged kids, you’re probably in full-on exploration (and perhaps application) mode this time of year. That’s why you need to bring your family to the fair! With 17 unusual schools and other innovative educational programs participating, you’ll have a chance to learn about many different learner-centered approaches to education. You’ll meet some of the most creative, effective, and beloved educators around and learn how their small, nonstandard and nonstandardized programs can help develop the very best in your child.

Check out this list, which includes programs for teens, tweens, and younger children:

Alt Ed Austin is thrilled to sponsor the fair, along with the good folks at Whole Foods Market and Free Fun in Austin. Look for me at the Alt Ed Austin table. I'd be happy to answer your questions, help you find the programs of most interest to your family, and guide your kids to fun, hands-on activities they’ll love. I can’t wait to meet you and help you find the right fit for your kid!
